Winter Blues: 3 Ways The Winter Season Affects Your Eye Sight

There are many reasons the average person may feel gloomy around the winter time. Lack of sunlight and falling temperatures could not only have you feeling down, but could create some major health issues. So, don’t just brush it off as the typical “Winter Blues” when serious eye health repercussions could occur. Here is a look at just some of the ways the freezing temperatures affect your eye sight.

Constricted Blood Vessels

Falling temperatures causes your blood vessels to tense up all throughout your body and circulatory system, including inside your eyeballs. This constriction can cause blurred vision or permanent damage. Make a visit to your doctor if you feel as though your eyes are sore, in pain or feel as though a blood vessel has been popped.

Dry Eyes

The lack of moisture in the air during the colder months isa disaster for people with pre existing dry eyes. You may find yourself blinking excessively just to create more tears and moisture in your eyes. If you find yourself suffering with severe dry eye during the winter months consider wearing protective eyewear when outside.

Sensitivity To Brightness

Season depression is a condition described as a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year. Many get seasonal depression during the fall and winter months due to the lack of sunlight and vitamin D. But the reflective light hitting off of the white snow can increase UV damage in the eyeball. It is important to protect your eyes if they feel strained or if there is sunlight combined with heavy snow on the ground.

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